
Scott Stenclik


Lynne Marie Finn


Tony Dvorak

Chief of Staff

Donna Stellrecht

Chief Financial Officer

Frank Gullo

Chief Technology Officer

Emily Paul

Chief Marketing Officer

Brian Christel

President, Acara Solutions

Pete Petrella

President, TalentRise

Jason Krumwiede

Executive Vice President, Aleron

Jim Nichiporuk

Senior Vice President, North America,
Acara Solutions

Carl Kutsmode

Senior Vice President,
Business Development, TalentRise

Earl Cantwell

General Counsel, Aleron

Nigel Hapuarachchi

Vice President, Business Development
and Delivery, Acara Solutions

Cam Moeser

Vice President, Business
and Recruitment Support, Aleron

Carol Riley

Vice President,
Business Intelligence, Aleron

Cameron Beer

Vice President, Delivery, Acara Solutions

Sharon Miller

Vice President,
Human Resources, Aleron

Joe O'Shea

Vice President, Client Delivery,
Broadleaf Results

Ryan Stenvick

Vice President, Business Development
and Delivery, North America, Acara Solutions

Chris Delaney

Vice President,
Client Solutions and Delivery, Acara Solutions

Suzanne Mitchell

Senior Vice President, Client Delivery,
Broadleaf Results

Debra Pagtolingan

Vice President,
Acara Solutions

Marc Sweger

Vice President,
Client Solutions and Delivery, Acara Solutions

What started in 1957 as a small drafting business in Buffalo, NY, is today a global workforce and business solutions company.

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